Friday, February 26, 2016

Three-Quarters of a Year.

This past Friday, Small Fry turned 8 months old. The first seventy-five percent of his first year of breathing oxygen is almost complete. Three-quarters of a year old. He's completed 8 months of the average lifespan of 948 months (79 years).

That's a pretty big deal. And he's learned SO much. And he's grown SO much. And he's become SO much fun.

The last time I wrote about him, he was 4.5 months old. He's almost twice as old now! Definitely twice as smart and twice as handsome.

Quick recap below. Lots of pictures, of course.

November was a busy month. He got baptized, celebrated his MiMi's birthday, showed us that he might be coming out of the always-screaming-when-on-his-belly phase, attended his first football game, celebrated his first Thanksgiving, and went bowling!

Getting his hand traced on the new sanctuary nursery!

So blessed to have so much family
surrounding him on such an important day

His favorite grandparents

MiMi's birthday!

Maybe tummy time isn't so bad?

We napped through most of the first half of the game.

Then woke up and made all the surrounding
patrons laugh because of his headphones!
Big shout out to the Wellmans for letting us borrow them.

Thanksgiving is exhausting for little boys..
So much food to look at and not eat.

This is probably not what the Ergo Carrier company
had in mind when they developed the product.

In December, he stood by himself for the first time, grew out of a hat, helped Mommie get ready for a few Christmas parties, grew out of a lot of clothes, sat in a high chair for the first time, and posed for a lot of Christmas-related pictures.

December 2, 2015

We retired all these clothes on one laundry day.
*Tries not to cry*

And now, a select few picture from the Christmas season:

Crisp, fresh air and a bit of drool.

Spending time with Puppy

Obviously we missed a golden opportunity to send our
child's butt to our friends on Christmas cards.

January came and went with Tiny Human's first snow, an astronaut suit, stabilized sitting, playing the "drums," bible stories, attempts at befriending Puppy, and attempting to crawl.

This was acceptable

This was not.

Seven months of heart-stealing.

February isn't finished yet, but he turned 8 months old on February 19, and started saying "dada" this month.

Such symmetry.