Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thirty Weeks and One Long Night

It all started on a Tuesday morning. I left work around 1130 am because I had completed the hours I'd needed for the week before starting my round of midnight shifts. I got home and my feet were hurting and tingling. Took off my socks to find some pretty crazy swelling! This is the first swelling experience I've had with pregnancy, and I'll admit, I was a little shocked to see such swelling so early in day, when I'd really only heard about the typical end-of-the-long-hot-summer-day swelling from friends. I didn't think much of it, and continued on my through to-do list.

I'd written bills, done the dishes, prepared food for my midnight shift, worked on Hugo's quilt and finally, around 130, I decided to take a shower. In the shower, I got really lightheaded and felt like I might faint, so I slowly lowered myself to the seated position.

I finished my shower (which was now cold water making fun of me), dried off and got dressed. I decided to take a short nap since it was still early. About an hour later I woke up to strangely blurry vision (even with my glasses on) and more dizziness. Fell back asleep for another 45 minutes or so.

Hubs came home around 5, we ate dinner, and then I went to bed around 6 to prepare for my coming midnight shift.

I woke up around 7 in tears from a horrible sharp pain just below my ribs. Decided to get up and use the restroom, and ended up getting sick (and all the while thinking, "Oh no, are we back at the end of the first trimester?).

I went out to the living room and sat with Hubs and struggled to take off my wedding rings because my hands had swollen up.

We decided to call the doctor's office to see what they thought.

"Go to Labor and Delivery and we'll page the doctor for you." Now, even when I was in the hospital in January, the nurse never told us she would inform our doctor, so at this point, Husband and I were starting to get worried.

As an aside, my mom went to the hospital when she was 30 weeks pregnant with me, with several of these symptoms, and didn't leave until 3 weeks and a birth (mine) later. So we were truly hoping not to follow in her footsteps.

We arrived to L&D and they got us set up in a room quickly, and hooked me and Hugo up to the fetal and contraction monitors, took my blood pressure, a urine sample, and asked us some routine questions. Every few hours, the nurse would come by and look at our monitors, and one time, she said "Okay, we're going to page Dr. C now and we'll get back to you."

I asked what they were seeing that they still wanted us to see the doctor, in spite of the hope I had that they'd say "Oh everything is alright, you guys go home and take it easy."

The nurse told us that they'd been monitoring Hugo's heart rate and that they had noticed it drop several times for no apparent reason. They'd also seen that I had experiences a few contractions (not related to Hugo's heart rate dropping as the times didn't coincide), which I was finally able to attribute to the random general belly and pelvic pains I'd been getting throughout the day.

They decided to keep us over night to monitor Hugo's heart rate. So then Hubs was tasked with getting Poor Lonely Puppy to his parent's house, at midnight, in the pouring rain, while I thirsted for water because the nurse kept forgetting to bring me some.

Hubs got back about 2 hours later with some nice warm socks for me, and a pair of sweat pants for him to sleep in. He zonked out pretty quickly, but I had a hard time getting comfortable with the two hockey pucks and elastic bands around my middle. And every time I did actually fall asleep, the nurse would have to come in to reposition the monitors so that it picked up Hugo's heartbeat.

After a long night of not a lot of sleeping, Dr. C came by in the morning with good news- everything looked OK. He did ask that we go to his office for an emergency/unscheduled ultrasound to make sure that Hugo is doing well.

After our ultrasound around noon Wednesday, we waited in a room to get to speak to the doctor. As expected, he vetoed our plans to go to Chicago this weekend (that makes two attempts to visit Chicago foiled by Hugo, if you're counting), and took me off shift work stating that the stress on the body to change sleeping patterns was too much for us (us= Hugo and I).

We were told, though, that Hugo looks perfect. The word "perfect" was used to describe my son. He is growing and thriving perfectly, and is the perfect length and weight for his gestational age. We were also told that even though I've been having a bit of a rough go at it, that I am also in picture-perfect health and that the side effects I've been experiencing (most notably the dizziness) is just a normal side effect, that is amplified because I'm naturally just smaller, over all.

The dizziness comes and goes pretty much on time if: I stand or walk for any length of time, or eat too much or too fast. And nauseous, apparently.

Unfortunately there is no remedy for the dizzy spells, except to avoid the triggers. And thus- why we were denied our trip to Chicago where our plans included walking around the city for 3 days, and attending a Bulls Playoff game where our seats were in the nose-bleed section (seriously, if I have a hard time walking up one flight of stairs, how would I have ever gotten to the nose-bleed section?!).

All in all, I'm happy we went to the hospital and didn't just write off the symptoms I was having (which all pointed to pre-eclampsia, which my mom had in both of her pregnancies, and grandma had in all three of hers). I'm happy they kept us overnight in order to get a better look at the trend of Hugo's heart rate, rather than a few worrisome snapshots. It ended up being determined that the most likely cause of his heart rate drops was when I rolled over and he may have landed on his cord or something, because as soon as I fell asleep, his heart rate leveled out perfectly.

I'm bummed that we had to cancel our second trip to Chicago this year, and I'm bummed that I'm no longer going to be working on console until after I return from maternity leave, but I'm happy we were told that everything with both Hugo and I is looking perfect and that we have a healthy baby boy coming soon (but hopefully not too soon).

How far along?- 30 weeks
Total weight gain?- 24 pounds
Symptoms?- Heartburn, extreme dizziness.

Sleep? - Still very well, thankfully. As a predominantly back-sleeper, I've devised a way to trick my body into thinking I'm sleeping on my back, by resting a pillow under my right side, to prop me up (and to avoid having my uterus squish all those important arteries).
PEAK of the week? - Learning that Hugo is looking perfect in all his tests!
Pit of the week? - Basically everything else in today's blog post.
Missing anything? - Being able to walk around a store without a buggy to lean on when I start to get dizzy.
Food Cravings - Ice cold water, still. Grapes. Waffles, again.
Anything making you feel sick or queasy? Pizza.
Happy or Moody? Happy, except for that food thing, still.
Looking forward to? - Nothing happening in the next week or so for me.
Upcoming Events?- A few expecting friends and I are throwing the dads-to-be a Beer and Diaper Shower, and I'm pretty excited about that.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Sweet, Sweet Success

On Wednesday, April 8, I had my glucose screening for gestational diabetes.

I woke up and didn't eat breakfast (if you've read my blog at all, you know that food is a vital part of my mood) because I wasn't allowed to. Then I got dressed, and prepared myself to drink a really disgusting fruit-punch- flavored sugary drink in 5 minutes.

FIVE minutes. That is NOT a long time. I'm more of a sipper, if you will. But I was not afforded that luxury. I had to chug this drink, which basically put more sugar into my body than I'd had over the last 2 days. It made me gag. It made my body shake. It nearly made me sick.

Handsome Hubbin paints my toenails.

Anyways, I arrived at our appointment, was weighed and had my blood pressure checked like always, then shoo'd into the restroom to provide a urine sample to check for protein (a sign of pre-eclampsia). By the way.. it's getting harder to provide this urine sample. I know my body down there hasn't changed in, like, 26 years. But that doesn't make it any easier to hold a small cup down there out of sight now- and try to pee in it.

After that, they came and took my blood. This is never something I am okay with. I find it to be rude, and it's painful, and I'm so, so, so scared. We continued with the remainder of our appointment, where the nurse listened to Hugo's heartbeat (149 bpm!), and our doctor came in and measured the uterine height, as well as answered our (many, many) questions. 

We were told that we'd find out the next day via a call, or a lack of a call, if I needed to come in for more tests, or if I passed.

27 Week Bump and a maxi skirt that I
finally don't need a safety pin to hold up.

I waited all day and never got a call. Then, so as not to get too excited, I waited all the next day and still never got a call. I think it's safe to say, I do not have gestational diabetes!

In other news around the world, my hand-me-down sewing machine has finally been fixed, so after a hiatus of almost a month, I'm finally back to work on Hugo's quilt. Oh, have I not mentioned that I'm attempting to make Hugo a quilt? Here's a general layout. I colored in the top half of the background so I'd be able to better visualize how it would look when all put together. I haven't picked the fabric for the bottom half yet, and thus, no coloring.

It's actually turning out pretty well so far, considering I've never sewn anything aside from a "sit-upon" in Girl Scouts in elementary school.

Puppykins has recently been promoted to sleeping freely in our room, as opposed to in her house. She curls up into a sweet little ball on my side of the bed. She gets up with me and follows me to the restroom in the middle of the night. Presumably to keep me company?

Don't mind the socks.

Work has been pretty good lately too. After my sleep-at-work-three-times-over-the-course-of-a-month saga, I've received two awards. One from the company I work for, Arcata, and one from the Head Honcho. The Big Cheese. NASA itself has awarded me with a "Paving the Yellow Brick Road" award, to signify the dedication it takes to run the International Space Station. The actual award is kind of silly, but the thought is very nice.

The Arcata award, with my NASA superiors, my Teledyne superiors,
and a coworker who also got the award. Also, I'm very short.

That's me actually getting my Yellow Brick. Which is wooden.
And painted. And colored on, sort of like a small child would do. 
And also has a heart-shaped sticker.

How far along?- 28 weeks! That's 7 whole months for those who aren't so good with math.
Total weight gain?- 19 pounds!
Symptoms?- Heartburn and constant mind-bending itchiness. Like, can't-focus-on-anything itchiness. I can only slather so much lotion on my body before I'm just slippery!

Maternity Clothes?- Yep. Today, though, I'm wearing a non-maternity shirt. And one of my favorite dresses lately isn't maternity.
Sleep? - Except for the peeing, and the hip pain when I try to roll over, I'm sleeping very well.
 PEAK of the week? - Getting back to work on Hugo's quilt! Going to the Melting Pot with Hubs to celebrate my NASA award and getting two cheese courses instead of an entree or dessert! The most amazing bath I took last night! Hubs spending like 10 minutes just scratching my back (he also scratched my ankle and toes, and it felt amazing...)! Not having gestational diabetes! 
 Pit of the week? - The girl who cut me off three times, then almost side-swiped me earlier this week. Here's my PSA for the week: If you're texting, YOU ARE NOT DRIVING. Pick one, for the safety of everyone else- even if you don't care about your own safety.
 Missing anything? - The ability to sit up. I love laying down in the warm bubble bath, but sitting up is a bit difficult. 
 Food Cravings - Ice cold water, Rocket Pops (also called "Bomb Pops" popsicles), anything Hubs grills for dinner.
 Anything making you feel sick or queezy? Pizza, still. And Hubs and I walked into a cigar shop yesterday (I didn't go in the smoky part), and the smell instantly overwhelmed me and I felt nauseous.
 Happy or Moody? Happy, except for that food thing, still.
 Looking forward to? - A week from tomorrow we have our first baby shower!! I'm so excited to feel all the love our sweet baby boy already has. (Also next week I get to meet a new astronaut!)
Upcoming Events?- Baby shower next week, a 5K next week, meeting with my HR rep next week, and my mom is coming to visit next week. Big week!

 A few maternity pictures!