Monday, April 29, 2013

(A Little Bit of March, but Mostly) April

We've been pretty busy.

Husband and I enjoyed our trip to DC to see April and be touristy. Below are a few of the picture highlights (all from my phone).

The Monument- a view from the Lincoln Memorial.

The three of us at the Lincoln Memorial

The three of us hanging out in the 'zoo.'

Post-karaoke antics.

We stopped for a break from the unrelenting wind and cold at the Hotel W.

One of many reasons she's the best-
Leaning Tower of Pisa picture with the Monument.

The weekend after we got home from DC, my family came to town for Easter- we went to the Unclaimed Baggage Store and hung around at home eating and cooking for the holiday. A few pictures:


Puppy just refuses to cooperate for family pictures!

A normal family photo.

I spent a fair amount of time in the new rocking chair, crocheting. 

Two days after Easter, Husband and I ventured to the great city of Atlanta where we saw a Knicks game! Mom got us tickets to the game for Christmas, and Hubs had been counting down the days with excitement. Unfortunately no one could watch Puppy, so she had to come with us, but she's such a trooper, and she did a great job. Highlight from the trip (aside form the Knicks destroying the Hawks)? Conan O'Brien was there hosting his NCAA Final Four shows, and he was at our game with us! Like, 50 feet away! 

Puppy rode the entire way curled up into this cute little ball, snoring.

New York Knicks gear! 

Conan's in town!

And look! there he is!

Aaaaand, last but not least: Puppy waited for me like this one day:

Coming soon: The Introduction of Ollie.

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Dream

I started my new job this week. I'm excited.

I can remember in second grade in Florida, when I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said that I wanted to be an astronaut. I got made fun of a little, but that wasn't any different than any other day in elementary school or middle school.

Throughout middle and high school, the dream never went away. It got bigger- and became more prominent in my life. I did research and learned what I needed to do and where I needed to go to make it happen. When applying for colleges, I chose to apply to a seemingly obscure one in what seemed like the middle-of-nowhere, Alabama (or at least to a South Floridian).

But taking that path has brought so much goodness in to my life- my husband and his family, our church home, a whole world of experiences, great friends, and a career in the US Space Program.

Though I can't be an astronaut (I'm an inch too short, go figure), I can work with them. In my new job, I will be communicating frequently with the astronauts aboard the International Space Station, and Mission Control in Houston (as in, "Houston, we have a problem"). Very cool.

I only realized Wednesday, when I received my official NASA badge, that I've accomplished my goal. The 7-year-old who wanted to be an astronaut, got her wish (albeit, slightly altered). I'm doing it.

Literally living the dream.

I'm blessed to be here.