Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Everything We Do Is Hard.

Life has gotten in the way of blogging.

Work has picked way up, as I'm now the lead on several different projects for my team, as well as still sitting console round-the-clock.

Tiny Human is nowhere near as tiny as he used to be. Since I last wrote, he's grown almost 3" taller and 3 pounds heavier. It's amazing. He's also grown 7 teeth.


He's currently got 5 more trying to come in.. it won't be long now, as you can practically see them beneath the gums. I will admit, the bedtime ritual has taken a hit, but I think (hope!) we're on the back end of the tooth marathon, as bedtime has become less challenging the last two or three nights.

I'm pretty impressed overall with him. He's climbing on everything, running around, kicking a ball, hugging all the dogs he sees, and I swear he learned one million words in the span of 2 weeks (OK, not one million but a lot). He's not really saying anything concrete right now, and most of his words start with the D sound, but that's OK. I understand him.. usually. He understands just about everything we say to him. He's full of big belly laughs and sometimes gas. He's not afraid of heights or anything else, it seems. He's like me. He will be my little roller coaster buddy in a few years. He's saying his grandparents' names (MiMi, DiDi, PaPa), and calls Lucy "Utchy." He waves at everyone. He eats everything. Well, currently he's not happy eating things he has to chew (because of the teeth), but when he's eating like normal, he eats EVERYTHING. I've yet to find something he just absolutely does not like to eat.

Current favorites are grapes, blueberries, cheese, and animal crackers.

Everything we do is hard.

We laugh hard.
We sleep hard.
We hug hard.
We play hard.
We eat hard.
Aaaand we cry hard.

Thankfully, the days of crying for no known reason are behind us for the most part. He can finally tell us what he wants, and he can use sign language successfully. (He's also mastered the word "no," but I'm trying not to get too hung up on that.)

Things are pretty fun right now.

Lucy's 6th birthday extravaganza, birthday crown and all.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed that he'll eat anything! Don't ever take that for granted; it's a gift.

    It's nice when they finally get potty trained, but otherwise, 18-24 months has been one of my favorite ages. They're not talking too much smack, still super cuddly (to a point, depending on the kid), and discovering everything with wonderment. Hugo Bossman is going to have a fun, varied life with you two as his parents. :) I love watching his personality blossom. I bet he's going to be the funniest kid in the class.

    PS: Lucy is still a doll.
