Tuesday, February 19, 2013


At any given moment, there a million things going through my head. This post will probably resemble that.

In early 2012, Lindsey and I went to Unclaimed Baggage. We each got a few treasures there. I got a new wallet, dress, (originally Lindsey's) fanny pack, and kite. This kite was enormous. Literally bigger than I am. It's also shaped like a puppy's face, which made it that much better. Unfortunately, puppy kite didn't come with puppy kite string. So after over a year of shuffling about, I finally got my kite string! I'm so easy to please- Husband gave me the kite string for Valentine's Day :) The kite was glorious in the 20 minutes there was wind that day. Even at unparalleled heights (compared to other kite-flying events in my neighborhood, of which there have been none), puppy kite still looked huge. And it was such a pretty day! Since Husband didn't have a kite- and I wasn't willing to share mine- he picked up a sweet Ninja Turtle kite for himself at Target, when he got my string.

The wind was nearly perfect when we first ventured to the great outdoors that is our neighborhood. And for days like this, having nearly no neighbors is perfect. No neighbors = no houses to block the wind. Also, the only trees are along the outermost edges of the neighborhood's perimeter.

Puppy kite way up in the sky!
Husband's kite over our house! Look at the sweet streamer/tail action.

After about 20 minutes of euphoric kite-flying, the wind pretty much stopped. This caused drastic measures:

Husband and Puppy ran along our side street in a valiant attempt to fly their kite.

He tried so hard, but the kite put up a good fight.


Two weeks ago I tore a piece of paper in half and gave one half to Husband, with a pen. I told him to write down 15 places he wants to go - these could be cities, countries, events, specific locations- anything. I was happy to find that 9 of our 15 matched! The places are (in no particular order): Australia, Italy, Germany, the Bahamas, San Fransisco, Chicago, Washington DC, New York, England.

Lucky for us, we have friends who live in two of these places. Chicago and DC. Today we booked our flights to Washington DC for mid-March! We'll be living and touring with my BFFE April! You can find more about April here, from June 2012. I'm so excited to get to A) See April during her spring break, and B) Be all touristy in DC for the first time.

April's been my best friend since we were too young for elementary school. I usually label it as "I was 5 and April was 4," which truly probably isn't too far off. Aside from a few minor spats in high school, we've remained best friends for the large majority of our entire lives. She was a bridesmaid in my wedding! I was the topic of a paper she wrote in high school! We have so many things in common- our love of puzzles, swing sets, rollercoasters, and words. But we've also always been different in our own ways. We've never attended the same school, so we each had our own separate groups of friends, but we always had each other ahead of them.

Some of my favorite memories as a child are with April- walking from her house to the Weston 8 movie theater, then to the pet store down the strip; of course there's our times in our Sunday School classes and VBS (.. and who can forget Kyle Poffenberger?); times when my Mom would be driving me to her house, and she'd go the way I didn't know and I'd tell her she was going the "lost way;" sleeping over and staying up all night; swimming in her pool, and eating Hot Pockets on the mini trampoline. Then there was the period in my life where I sort of hated her sister.. (Lauren.. sorry!). Then even since we've both moved away, we'd get together over Christmas breaks; she also visited me a few times here in Huntsville. Through it all, though, we always had a great time, no matter what we were doing.

In fact, the morning I left Florida to move to Huntsville, she and I got our last breakfast at Bagelmania. Oh Bagelmania.. how I miss you. And April. But no worries, because I'm seeing her in less than a month!

Another friend who lives in (or, slightly near, in this case) a city on our list is Cynthia! You can find the deets about her here, yes, at the same link, but from a different month- March.

Cynthia and I went to high school together. I'm really not sure how or when we officially met, but I know when we became the type of friends who actually keep in touch after high school. Sophomore year Chemistry. Man.. if those lab walls could tell the stories of the way my class tortured that teacher. I hate to say this because I know so many teachers, but she kind of had it coming for the way she treated us. She hated me for some reason. She'd single me out and put me in the back corner. Regardless, Cynthia and I had a lot of fun in that class. We'd have epic pipette wars. Which literally means we'd try to stab the other with the pipettes. What can I say, we were easily amused 15 year-olds. We also ended up having a lot of other classes together throughout the four years, and were active in a few of the same clubs (which is how we ended up wearing the same shirt to meet each other last year).

Cynthia went to Northwestern University for her undergrad and is now attending the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for law school. She's crazy, I tell ya. I certainly couldn't do law school. I digress.

This summer she'll be interning in Chicago- which is another place on mine and Husband's matching lists! So we're going to try to figure out a weekend that'll work for her and for us to go!

Our lists:


As an update to the living room chair situation.. We brought back the zebra print and came home with a different print altogether. Not exactly what we had in mind, but I like it a lot.


Puppy's always gotta be the center of attention

There are a few more things to post on, but I feel like this post is getting too long. More later/soon!

Husband and I as attendants in his brother's wedding.


  1. 1) I am amused by how when you and Husband write your lists, you completely disregard the lines on your paper and write perpendicular to them. Ha. Both of you. I wonder what a psychoanalyst would say about that.

    2)I want to go to Boston too! Italy was great. Highly recommend it. I haven't been back to DC since I was 12, so I'd like to go w/ Wadey Pie and spend about a week in the Smithsonian.

    3) I love your sari. It looks like you are dressing appropriately when you wear it. Husband looks even whiter when he wears his.

    4) Lucy is so freaking cute!

    5) New Chair is awesome.

    6) I love flying kites! I need to get on the ball and get one. My yard is always windy b/c we're on a hill.

    7) Are you not writing your names in this blog? I noticed that and, if you're not, I will have to be very conscientious of it.

  2. 1. I'm really not sure how or why we both ended up writng our lists like that. For an engineer and a physicist, you'd think that would kill us. Come to think of it.. the more I look at the picture, it hurts.

    2. I am SOO excited to see the Smithsonian! I went to the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute while I was in Panama and it was awesome. I really love going new places and acting touristy. I also really love travelling with Husband. And of course, I love seeing April any and every chance I get!

    3. The sari took three people to put on my correctly. It's beautiful though. Definitely the most "ethnic" I've ever been, and will most likely ever be again.

    4. Puppy is pretty much the best. I love how gentle she is with babies, purses, and everything that is not hers. And yet, she's really good at rough-housing with Husband's parents' husky.

    6. This year when we go to the beach, I might do what I used to do- tie my kite to my beach chair and let it fly all day. In general, beaches are extremely windy, so a kite tied to a chair will fly for the better part of the day.

    7. We are not writing our names in this. No particualr reason, per se, but since I always call Husband "Husband" in other venues (FB, Instagram, email, etc), it seemed natural to stick with it. And yes, I realize it says our names up at the top :)
