Wednesday, April 5, 2017

22 Weeks & the Answer to Your ICP Question.

At 22 weeks pregnant, I'm becoming more and more aware that I could starting itching any moment.

During my pregnancy with TH, the first time I mentioned itching, I was 26 weeks along.

I know it's not a hard fact that I will have Intraheptic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) again, but my chances are very good. Most women have it in successive pregnancies, and I've never been one to be the exception. For most women, the symptoms of ICP start earlier and are more severe with each pregnancy.

The first time I itched during this pregnancy was actually before I knew I was pregnant- it's what convinced me to take a pregnancy test. Sure enough, it was positive. I continued to itch mildly on and off for a few weeks, and then it went away.

Now at 22 weeks, I haven't itched since about 14 and I feel like I can sense it coming. Every day I make it through without itching is considering a victory. Some days I have a random itch (like a normal person) and it freaks me out. You'd think after almost 2 years, I'd be past this, but it's so much more traumatizing than a person who hasn't lived it can understand. That alone makes it hard to deal with - relatively speaking- very few people have experienced this.

To the outside person, you're just itchy. No big deal, right? Wrong. You can't just scratch this itch and move on. You can't put on lotion to moisturize and hope for the best. You can't take a Benadryl to help with an allergy. (Well, you CAN put on lotion and take a Benedryl, but neither will help). Instead, you take cold baths hoping to numb your body, and afterward, when you're still uncontrollably itchy, you sit on the side of your bed or on the floor, and cry.


Another difference so far with this pregnancy has been a distinct lack of nausea and sickness. I have had only one day where I was sick all day, and typically the only time I feel nauseous is while I brush my teeth (though I've always had a bad gag reflex.. it's just magnified currently). My only hospital visit during this pregnancy was because I accidentally tried to cut off my finger using a mandolin in the kitchen.

The general update:

How far along?- 22 weeks this Thursday
Total weight gain?-  6 pounds
Symptoms?- Nothing really. No real nausea, no itching, no food aversions, not even any food cravings except for the occasional taco.

Maternity Clothes?-  Yep. I swear I've been wearing maternity clothes since at least 10 weeks. I still wear a few non-maternity t-shirts around the house, and I've been caught (by TSA) using the handy hair-tie trick for my non-maternity jeans.
Sleep? - Yes, please. I wish I could sleep all day every day.
PEAK of the week? - I bought TH some super cute Thomas the Tank Engine undies for our upcoming adventures in potty training.
Pit of the week? - I'm working in the middle of the night all week (last time until after CL - Charlotte- arrives!!)
Missing anything? - Hot, hot baths and sometimes a sip of wine.
Food Cravings - An occasional taco.
Anything making you feel sick or queasy? Brushing my teeth.
Happy or Moody? Happy overall.
Looking forward to? - 6th annual beach trip. I need some R&R.

Speaking of the beach trip, this year's will be very different. The main group has changed unfortunately, and some of my favorite people aren't going. I'm still excited to get away with friends for a nice 5 days and sleep in, lounge on the beach, pee a lot, and sun a bit.. but I would be lying if I said I weren't sad about the circumstances surrounding the absences.