So, we're walking now, and what a journey it has been! Tiny Human is becoming Not-As-Tiny daily, and it's sad and wonderful at the same time. I have loved watching TH grow and learn and experience new things, and figure stuff out for himself. It's fun.
And at 14 months old, he's finally helping out with the chores around the house. Earning his keep, if you will. In the picture above, he is helping me do his laundry by taking all of the clean clothes out of the basket and putting them on the floor.
He is also very helpful in that he is systematically rearranging the house to his preferences. I don't know what I would do without him letting me know that the Tupperware and mixing bowls actually look better on the floor.
He's actually quite the interior designer. Other specialties include using colanders to add some flair to the living room; sliding bar stools in front of the refrigerator (because who doesn't like a challenge when getting a snack?); hiding phones in kitchen drawers; losing the mail; and relocating the garbage can to a more unusual location.
I can't laugh about it all, though. Because the kid does love to vacuum. This child will scream and cry if you take away his hardwood vacuum. Full-on tantrum. We walk around the house, and he follows us, vacuuming up all the puppy fur, happily watching it get sucked up into the clear-plastic basin. He cleaned our bathroom! Our kitchen! All around the dining room table! Along the cabinets, baseboards and the back door! The hallway leading to the front door! The house has never been less furry!
Helpful. (No, really.)
TH will also entertain his fans by standing in the grass for approximately 15 seconds before screaming. He will not take any steps. He will not sit. He will not break eye contact with you.
He will just stand, angrily plotting the ways he's going to make the rest of the evening terrible.
In all seriousness though, TH has been great, and this phase is my absolute favorite. He loves to walk and crawl and he's trying to climb. He's great at going up the stairs and is learning how to get down. He's graduating on Monday to the next class at school. He's drinking whole milk, water, and super diluted apple juice. He eats EVERYTHING. (With the exception of birthday cake. I presume he doesn't want any cake, and that this isn't limited to birthday cake, but he hasn't been given the chance to try.) He talks a lot but doesn't say much. He makes faces and sticks his tongue out. He gives high-fives and lets us brush his teeth. He claps when we say "the end" after we finish our bed time story, and helps us close the book. He sleeps. He sleeps well. He colors pictures for our friends and family and he really hates the feeling of paint on his fingers. He laughs a lot, and he fills our hearts with joy and our home with love.
Token Puppy Picture.