At 6 months pregnant, Hubs and I decided to take a last minute non-baby-moon mini-vacation to Pensacola, because we realized it was the last weekend that I had off until the end of May. (To clarify, I do have several other weekends off between now and the end of May, but they are filled with holidays, friends' baby showers, our baby showers and a trip to Chicago.) (So they don't really count as being "off".)
Anyways. The first night (of two) Hubs and I decided to try our luck at getting into McGuire's Irish Pub for dinner. Surprisingly enough, we were successful and we got to enjoy some yummy drinks and dinner. Well, I enjoyed some good, old fashioned water, and Hubs got their signature drink- the Irish Wake.
The following day, we took our time waking up and getting dressed in the morning, stopped by Wal-Mart for a few necessities, then made our way to the beach. Side note: Many thanks to the Wellmans and the Harveys for lending us their beach umbrella and a cooler, respectively.
Hubs carries most of the stuff in one go, because
he would rather suffer once, than have to walk
back and forth in the sand repeatedly.
I dug a hole for my belly, so I could lay on my stomach and read.
Hello, Hugo!
Hubs *tries* not to get a sunburn.
The last of my pictures, as we're preparing to head in for the night.
Poor Hubs burnt, and burnt badly. Below, a picture of his peeling neck.
Pretty gross, no?
"Hello, feet. I'll miss you."
Six whole months of baking time for Brownie.
Three to go.
When we got back from the beach, it was miraculously already Week 25, and Hubs took me out for a delightful dinner at Pan E Vino in downtown, and gave me a "You're already a great mom, and thank you for carrying our little boy" present, in the form of an engraved Tiffany & Co ring! "HTP" is engraved on the inside for Hugo's initials. The last time he gave me a Tiffany & Co ring, I said to an important question ("Will you marry me?)
She won, hands down.
Week 25 picture:
Holy smokes, kid! Slow down already!
Aaaaand our updates:
Total weight gain: 16 pounds. Whoa. But as you can see, it's all in one place (the Baby Belly).
Maternity clothes?: All day, err day.
Sleep?: Pretty well, though I hurt my hip a while back, and that makes rolling over pretty painful sometimes. I've also gotten a bit better at waking up in the mornings.
Peak of the week?: Hubs getting to see Hugo kick!!
Pit of the week?: Having to go all weekend without my nausea medicine because Target was slacking... again.
Missing anything?: I've sort of been wishing I could have a glass of wine. Why, at six months, I'm finally missing wine/beer, I couldn't tell you, but here we are.
Food cravings: Nothing in particular.
Anything that makes you feel sick or queasy?: Still any pre-made pizza. Even the thought of it makes me feel sick.
Happy or moody?: Happy. But there was that one night that I was in a seriously bad mood because I was hungry and Hubs was chatting with a neighbor for over an hour. There is a clear trend with my bad moods: don't get in between me and my food!
Maternity clothes?: All day, err day.
Sleep?: Pretty well, though I hurt my hip a while back, and that makes rolling over pretty painful sometimes. I've also gotten a bit better at waking up in the mornings.
Peak of the week?: Hubs getting to see Hugo kick!!
Pit of the week?: Having to go all weekend without my nausea medicine because Target was slacking... again.
Missing anything?: I've sort of been wishing I could have a glass of wine. Why, at six months, I'm finally missing wine/beer, I couldn't tell you, but here we are.
Food cravings: Nothing in particular.
Anything that makes you feel sick or queasy?: Still any pre-made pizza. Even the thought of it makes me feel sick.
Happy or moody?: Happy. But there was that one night that I was in a seriously bad mood because I was hungry and Hubs was chatting with a neighbor for over an hour. There is a clear trend with my bad moods: don't get in between me and my food!
Looking forward to: Starting our prepared childbirth classes next week, the great forecasted weather next week, and grilling with good friends!