The more I thought about it, the more I realized I missed updating on a lot of fun activities by starting my last post in September. Between January 2012 and September 2012, a lot happened. Here's an additional quick snap-shot of those goings-on.
Husband and I threw his sister a 30th birthday surprise party!
I may or may not have made all the guests wear party hats all night.
I may have also made each one take a picture
with a mustache, using my fish-eye lens.
Oh, Husband.
After Sarah's party, she I went on an adventure. She had a list of 30 items she wanted to complete before her 30th birthday, so we got up at a semi-reasonable hour and went on our way. Our day included two back-to-back dollar movies (
Moneyball and
The Help, for those interested), she had sushi for the first (and last) time, dessert for dinner, and we drove to Tennessee to buy lottery tickets and 40's.
Technically, are we in TN since we're in front of the sign?
Either way, we went beyond the sign to get to the most
ghetto gas station to do our duty.
I also started at my current job.
My second day on the job, I brought in my alphabet letters and Mr.
and Mrs. Spud. They're still there, along with a ceramic zebra,
Beauty and The Beast figurines, a birthday party hat, and a glorious picture from
my study abroad trip to Panama.
Puppy got a bath:
And looked pathetic doing it.
Lindsey and I went to
Unclaimed Baggage
This puppy kite is bigger than I am. And it's mine now.
I keep telling her to stop licking the decorations, but she just can't help it.
I felt impulsive one day and cut 8" off my hair.
Husband and I got a free tour of the new
Boeing 787- the Dreamliner, we Saran-wrapped a friend's car, I got a new phone, we went to Memphis, and then to Henderson, Kentucky to see a friend of mine from high school.
It was windy and loud standing beneath the underbelly of the huge plane.
He thought he was invited to attend the tour as a guest. They
didn't tell him he'd have to hold the plane up!
I helped too, for a bit.
This car has over 100 balloons in it, and at least
3 rolls of Saran Wrap around it. Hooray shenanigans!
New phone, and Husband got me this amazing Etch-A-Sketch case!
Our trip to Memphis was a lot of fun. We went for our 6-monthiversary. The first night we met some fun people in the lobby of the hotel and ended up going out with them for a few hours before coming back to our room. The next day we went to the Memphis Zoo, The Pink Palace (which is an educational museum), and BB Kings - just a few of the highlights.
BB King's Restaurant in Memphis, TN. So good. The music was fun too!
Visited the zoo.
At the end of March, we went to Henderson, Kentucky to meet up with a good friend of mine from high school. How did we land on Henderson, you ask? Well, it's simple. I went to and typed in both mine and Cynthia's zip codes. This website found the location in the exact middle... Which was not Henderson, KY. The city directly between the two of us, with her a little south of Chicago, is Hanson, KY (!). After some googling, I found that there is nothing in Hanson, so we decided to go a little farther north to Henderson, where there were restaurants. And hotels. In Henderson, we went to the Evansville, IN zoo (Husband and I love zoos), then to a random winery/vineyard that took way too long to find. We just happened to be in Kentucky during the end of March Madness where two Kentucky Universities were battling it out just 2 hours away in Louisville.
Would you believe if I told you that after not seeing each
other for almost two years, we showed up that night, in
the rain and hail, wearing the same shirt?
The three of us.
After two fun days with Cynthia, it was time to go
back home. I did this to make the ride more interesting. Husband
laughed for a good 1-2 minutes. Which is
about right, since this isn't very funny.
Since I am a huge
Hanson fan, we had to stop in Hanson, KY on the way back home.
Husband wearing his Hanson shirt in Hanson, KY.
With April came Easter, and with Easter, came my mom and sister.
Sister taught Husband how to make flan! He loved it!
I played with my fish-eye lens some more and attacked Mom with a surprise hug.
The photo pops were a huge hit. I loved them.
Also in April, I had to take a trip up to my work headquarters in Piscataway, NJ for some training. The campus is pretty.
And the food was good.
Hand-dipped strawberries and pretzels. Right in front of me.
Memorial Day weekend brought the
Alabama Jubilee Hot Air Balloon Festival in Decatur.
Then in June, Husband decided he was tired of being healthy and got sick.
He got better.
Also in June, BFFE came to town and we hit up a random carnival in the Old Time Pottery parking lot, then we went to Six Flags in Atlanta.
Super random carnival.
For Six Flags, we decided we had to be super colorful. Go big or go home, right?
Check out that slammin' fanny pack.
The red overalls and purple tights were an excellent touch.
I got this gem of a picture:
Still again in June, Puppy meets Sister's puppy over FaceTime.
This was fun.
We went to the beach with friends and saw family as a bonus:
Aunt Linda and Uncle Jerry were so hospitable and
let us bunk at their house the first night, so we could visit with
Dave's grandmother who lived down the road the next
morning before heading to the beach with friends.
Everyone except Micah.
We had a miniature golf outing back home and got some fun pictures. Husband won.
Here he's dancing to Michael Jackson's Rock With You.
I decided I wanted to be stealthy in my pictures.
Keep looking.
Then we had a heatwave and Husband got a really bad, crooked, fluffy mohawk.
July brought Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-Fil-A, Six Flags in Atlanta with Mom, Sister, and Lou, whitewater rafting, my birthday, complete with decorations, and living-room-camping.
That's our work-in-progress house in the background.
Melissa shows enough enthusiasm for the both of them, luckily.
Mom wonders why I made her stand next to the Duck.
Spoiler alert: no one was ejected, drowned or
unhappy by the time we reached the end of the river.
We take camping very seriously.
Then August came and went and not much happened.
Except for some serious staring contests.
Early September brought
The Color Run, my first 5K, with friends Alex and Sarah. While Sarah,her friends, Alex and I got soaked to the bone, frozen, thawed and amazingly colorful, Husband remained "dry," "clean," and "uncolorful." Except that he tried tirelessly and failed, because it poured and poured on September 2nd in Birmingham, there were color packets being opened and enjoyed everywhere, and no man, not even Husband, was immune to it.
Can you tell that Alex confused Sarah and I?
Again with the fanny pack.
Me after the race.
Sarah after the race.
Alex after the race
Husband after the race. Totally uncolorful. But wait..
The Color got him too! (Either that, or his feet were
turning blue from the icy rain and wind.)
Now I think that just about covers the highlights of 2012 before the holiday season.
Til next time.